Thursday, April 3, 2008

Secret Color Funhouse in East Side Townhouse

In the 5 floors above this vibrant playroom there are elegant collections of contemporary art and furniture from world travels, auctions, Chelsea galleries. But hit the bottom and wham - 26 different colors folding like an accordion, jogging in and out of plush and plastic play toys. It's not everyday that I have the opportunity to jump off the saturated color deep end, but brave clients decided to give the kids a break from the adult mood stabilizing palette featured upstairs. I think I'd call this a site and age specific palette. Actual adults must sign a waiver before entering the room and don color dampening glasses, or they must be funhouse certified.

1 comment:

erik heywood said...

Wow. I'd love to see more images of this.
Lovely blog! And very nice paintings your friend bought. Are there more paintings posted elsewhere?